Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankgsgiving Thankful...Im Thankful for?

I love that quote that's going around this November," November: the month that your Facebook friends post what their thankful for after 11 months of complaining"

although I have many things to be thankful for I can only express my thankfulness for modern medicine today. it's the tiny pill you take when you have a headache or the children's medicine you give your little one so there fever can go down and you can have peace of mind. the wonderful medicine they put in those epi pens for severe allergic reactions. and for all the other medicines out there helping all of you on a day to day.

But this month (and as long as I live) I'm especially grateful for the medicine given to women to help her body to prepare and to maintain a healthy pregnancy. I always wondered how the women in the olden days had their babies and if these problems were still problems then as they are today. I have no doubt our ancestors did have problems but the strength that they had to carry on is even more inspiring. they're so much abortion and hate and discomfort in the world when it comes to an unwanted pregnancy. It hurts my heart. Everyday is a gift. We should be thankful everyday, not just some 30 odd days of a year.

I find myself thanking my father in heaven multiple times a day for both my girls. I cant imagin life without kylie. She is soooo sweet and always making me laugh. I cant wait for this other lil girl ,who is maken herself known at ALL hours of the day and night (and at this moment), to get here.

Ps I love my nurse who comes by the house to give me a pretty painful shot! (so worth it tho) She is so sweet and nice.

So Thank you smart people who make wonderful meds. And thoes who administer it. You are never underapreciated in my eyes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pregnancy..It's not so glamoris!

OK so here is the thing. have you ever seen the movie 'what to expect when your expecting'? well it gives you a peek into the lives of five women who are expecting.

The woman who is a fitness junkie and no matter what she will keep on working out: I wish i could muster up the strength these type of women have to keep their bodies as active as possible. if my body would allow it I'm sure i would still be a bump on a log. the thought of how badly my body hurts with just lifting my legs up to put on a pair of shorts keep me from even attempting walking any more than i have too. (i have a two year old so its not like i just relax all day)

The woman who cant have kids. They end up adopting a baby and i think that's pretty amaze  balls!!!

The woman who not only has the best pregnancy, perfect baby belly, looks to have gained nothing. fits into the prettiest maturity cloths, not swollen. didn't get morning sickness. but is also pregnant with twins...oh and to top it off gave birth to the first baby with a sneeze.COME ON does this ever happen? is pregnancy ever this easy???

The woman who experienced every thing imaginable. morning sickness, swollen leaky breasts. feet that ache. a ginormous body and belly. crappy labor. man i feel for this character. and any one else who feels this way. i didn't get a pregnancy glow with my first and sure as hell didn't get it with this pregnancy. man if i take a crap i feel accomplished! let alone getting dressed for the day. I'm crabby. and don't even get me started on if I'm hungry. the only great thing about being knocked up is feeling the baby move. its just so magical. or gross if you ask my husband. oh and being someones mom. the felling of a child who loves you so much. they are truly a gift from god sent to teach us selfish adults about real love and sacrifice.

And last but not least 

The woman who got pregnant but miscarried....this is a hard one to write about. although i have never had a miscarriage, i wish this on no one. i have seen the pain on the women face, the pain behind reading about another friend who has announced yet again that they are expecting. and the longing in a woman's eye for a special soul, a gift to call there own. its truly heart breaking and i wish and pray for them. you don't know what to say or how to comfort them. how to help with the healing of such a loss. to any one reading this who has dealt with this, I'm sorry. truly sorry. i cannot understand the trial that has been placed before you and hope your pain ends soon. I pray for your comfort and your healing soul.

So long story short if you are or have ever been pregnant go rent this movie. i laughed and cried. its a movie for all women. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First blog post

OK so I'm not as open with my self as some of you know, or don't know. but i hate reading blogs that are all happy happy joy joy that has no hint to what real life and struggles are about or how they actually feel. THAT'S NOT REAL LIFE!!!!! so to just explain why i have decided to do a REAL blog, this is

reason #1
I get frustrated about life. sometimes i create this situation for my self and sometimes karma kicks my behind. its normal to get frustrated about things. we are all human. but unlike some of my many face book friends, i don't want to see it posted so hatefully. so to create a safe space where i may vent, this is my space.
reason #2. sex, yes you read right. i cant talk about somethings with family or some friends. its OK to be silent about this, I'm not judging anyone and i understand the reasons behind it but i would like to talk about/rant about things that bug or don't bug me about sex after a few years of marriage.
reason #3. anything i want to write about. what i happened to have thought threw out the day. love, life, money, church, pregnancy, baby's, labor and delivery, music, my kid(s), my husband, family.....i think you get the point.

i have made this for me. you may find it helpful, you may not. but i just need to write about my life. happy or sad.