Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First blog post

OK so I'm not as open with my self as some of you know, or don't know. but i hate reading blogs that are all happy happy joy joy that has no hint to what real life and struggles are about or how they actually feel. THAT'S NOT REAL LIFE!!!!! so to just explain why i have decided to do a REAL blog, this is

reason #1
I get frustrated about life. sometimes i create this situation for my self and sometimes karma kicks my behind. its normal to get frustrated about things. we are all human. but unlike some of my many face book friends, i don't want to see it posted so hatefully. so to create a safe space where i may vent, this is my space.
reason #2. sex, yes you read right. i cant talk about somethings with family or some friends. its OK to be silent about this, I'm not judging anyone and i understand the reasons behind it but i would like to talk about/rant about things that bug or don't bug me about sex after a few years of marriage.
reason #3. anything i want to write about. what i happened to have thought threw out the day. love, life, money, church, pregnancy, baby's, labor and delivery, music, my kid(s), my husband, family.....i think you get the point.

i have made this for me. you may find it helpful, you may not. but i just need to write about my life. happy or sad.      

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